Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
Here are some phone numbers and answers to frequently asked questions that we receive in the Town Office.
Corinna Post Office: 207-278-4892
Animal Control Officer: Rachael Sickles- 207-270-2721
Corinna Municipal Garage: 207-278-3663
Plumbing Inspector: Al Tempesta- 207-278-4183
Electrical Inspector:
Code Enforcement Officer - Al Tempesta - 207-278-4183
Wednesdays 12pm - 430pm
Transfer Station 207-924-3650, hours: Monday to Thursday and Saturday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Closed Friday & Sunday. Call for specific instructions on special items.
Vital Records: Fees for vital records (births, deaths, marriages) are $15.00. Each additional copy is $6.00.
Fire Burning Permits
Fire Chief: Allen Emerson - 717-7508
Asst. Chief: Shawn Richards - 278-4343