February 6, 2023



Members present: Allen Proctor, Dennis Carr, Ron Richards, Barbara Peavey, Lois Jones, Meghan Baker

Treasurer’s Report:  Reserve Fund  $48,842.58  moved by Ron second by Barbara to except.  All in favor

Secretary’s Report: Moved by Lois, second by Allen to accept as written All in favor.

Article 56 To see if town will vote to deposit 20% of rental income into Town Treasury to help offset operating expenses other 80% to reserve fund for Community Center upgrades

Banner Advertising: Dennis presented Rules and Regulations for Banner Advertising  discussed having 3x6 banners.  $300 annually for stage front, $200 for end walls and $100 behind bleachers.

Heat pump stage: we already have 3 so cannot get rebates

LED lights:  quote from Condon Electric  $20,000 after rebates.  Mike Lebel electrician working to get approved by state for rebate program,

His estimate around $12,000 as he can get larger rebate as building owner

2023 Budget:  proposed $76,015.  Largest increase due to fuel and electric.

Valley of Trees meeting with Sebasticook Valley Chamber of Commerce  Will have joint meeting with them to discuss hosting Valley of Trees, March 2, 2023  -  10 a.m.

Gym Heat  Need ask people to turn back dial for heat when leaving building, set it for only time will be there

Solar – electric  Mike is considering installing solar for the building but can only have one meter fed so should not separate at this time


REC. Coach agreement  Lois handed out packet with coaches agreement and PFCC  building use expectations, also includes parent and athlete expectations.

Brad Davis Playground  Ron will make  list of businesses to send letters to requesting funds or in-kind offers

Next meeting  March 6, 5:00 pm



Dennis Carr