December 12, 2022
12 December 2022
Members Present: Meghan Baker, Jodine Boyd, Melissa Bragan, Nicole Choquette, Armand Cloutier, Bobbie Crockett, Chuck Scharf, Jon Vandeventer
Members absent: Jesse Caron, Ben Clukey
*Rec room has been inventoried and will continue to be inventoried once a month, until we are allowed
to lock the doors
*Cotton Rec t-shirts received $622.00 paid to Berg’s. We are missing some shirts
*Discussion regarding a proposed meeting between Rec and the Building Committee. Scheduled for Jan 16 at 6:00
Jodine made a motion that any remaining monies in our accounts be donated to the Building Committee once our bills are paid. Meghan seconded the motion and it was voted 7 in favor and one abstaining.
*Host indoor soccer clinic after basketball season
Nick Butler 3/4 Blue TeamPractice: Mon 6-7/Thurs 5-6
Lyndon Hopkins 3/4 Yellow Team Practice: Mon 5-6/Thurs 5-6
Eleni Burrill 3/4Practice: Tues 5-6/Thurs 4-5
Courtney Bemis 1/2Practice: Sun 10-11
Eleni Burrill Pre/kPractice: Sun 11-12
Meghan Baker 5/6Practice: Tues 4-5/Thurs 4-5
$25 deposit collected for registered player jersey’s; envelopes held at town office
*Meghan made a motion to allot $60 for clipboards. Melissa seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor.
*The guards need to be installed on the hoop backboards
*Refs are needed for home games. We will pay $25 per game or students can earn volunteer hours
Emily GravesPre/kPractice: Tuesday 5:30-6:30Karate Room
April McKinney3-6Practice: Mon 5-6/Wed 5-6Karate Room
*Cheerleaders will be traveling to an away game this weekend
*Tarps and tires….Meghan is working on them
*Will need one more helmet for the season
Field Hockey: tabled until next year
Open Gym:
*Thursday 1:30 – 4pm
*Add a weekend day
*Need volunteers to provide supervision. Parents must also accompany participants
*We will provide this program for a few weeks and see how it goes
Old Business:
*Cookies & juice bought for Christmas Santa
*Carson Cloutier volunteered to hand out cookies and juice
*Shed cleaned and key given to town for Allen for snowblower/fuel storage
*Not charging non-resident coaches $25 fee for their child to play
New Business:
*Order bleachers tomorrow 13 Dec 2022. They should be tax-free if ordered through the Town
*New meeting time is now 6pm
*Remove non-active, unexcused members of the board
*Chuck made a motion to have all coaches be CPR certified. Meghan second the motion and it was unanimously approved. Jodine will contact Nancy Hoskins to see if she is available to instruct.
Next Meeting:9 Jan 2023 @ 6:00