April 11, 2022

Corinna Recreation Department Meeting Minutes

Monday,  April 11 2022


Members Present: Meghan Baker, Jodine Boyd, Bobbie-Jean Crockett, Armand Cloutier, Chuck Scharf, Nikki Sennett

Guests: John VandeVenter, Nicole Choquette

Absent:  Ben Clukey

Excused:  Jesse Caron


Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM.

Armand made a motion to approve the minutes from the March meeting as amended. Bobbie seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor.  Jodine will submit them to the Town Office.  




Chairman: Field clean-up will be April 16 at 9:00.  This will be posted on the Facebook page.

Will be dragging both softball and baseball fields.

Chuck will order the Portable toilet for spring/summer/fall activities



Treasurer:  $270.00 was deposited into the Scholarship/Reserve account from sign ups

No expenses yet that Jodine is aware of


Soccer:  Indoor soccer finished Sunday


Baseball/Softball:  We will keep sign ups open until practices start.

Teams will be Minor, Coach pitch, Softball and 4 tee-ball teams

Some baseballs were donated

Jodine made a motion that we  allot $250.00

for catcher's gear (helmet, chest protectors), Meghan seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor.  Chuck will order them.

Home plate is broken; we're getting a replacement from Newport

First base is needed for softball

Chuck made a motion that the following coaches be approved, subject to change: Lyndon Hopkins, Nick Butler, John Van DeVenter, Chuck Scharf, Richard Cray, Nikki Sennett, Abby Caron, John Blair, Zach Sennett.  Armand seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor.

No fees for softball grades 1-3 and no playoffs

Will need an 11 inch ball.  Chuck made a motion that we allot $70.00 for a case of softballs.  Meghan seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor.

Need to check how many ice packs we have

Chuck made a motion that we allot up to $300 for hats.  Bobbie seconded the motion and it was voted all in favor

Meghan motioned to allot $200 for tee ball shirts.  Jodine seconded the motion and it was voted all in favor

Discussion regarding paying umpires and recruiting high schoolers who may need volunteer hours






NEW BUSINESS: Chuck will get a quote for new pinnies for this fall

Scholarship applications were reviewed.  Meghan made a motion that we award $500 each to Mike Scharf and Casey Crockett and $250 to Jordyn Condon.  Armand seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor


Discussion regarding potential fundraisers including a summer soccer clinic


Next meeting: May 9 at 6:30 PM


Meeting adjourned 7:16 PM


Respectfully submitted by Jodine Boyd, Secretary