June 13, 2022
Corinna Recreation Department Meeting Minutes
Monday, June13, 2022
Members Present: Meghan Baker, Jodine Boyd, Nicole Choquette, Bobbie-Jean Crockett, Chuck Scharf, Nikki Sennett
Excused: Armand Cloutier
Missing: Jesse Caron, Ben Clukey
Guests: Melissa Bragan, Michelle Ervin
Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM.
Bobbie made a motion to approve the minutes from the May meeting. Meghan seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor. Jodine will submit them to the Town Office.
Chairman: Chuck is stepping down as Chair but will remain on the Rec Board
Treasurer: $2439 is available in our budget. This is not yet accounting for rental of the portable toilet.
Basketball: Hoop Camp at Nokomis July 18-22. We will pass out brochures to our baseball players
Hoops need safety guards installed. Meghan will inform the Building Committee
Refs are needed for the upcoming season. There was discussion regarding how to get training and have people commit to Rec games.
Nikki will call Sally regarding basketball scheduling
Soccer: still need to remove nets
Nikki made a motion that we allot up to $400 for new nets. Nicole seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Chuck will contact BSN
Concert ticket raffle is going well
Irish Auto has donated $700 towards bleachers
Chuck will talk to Mr. Elias (RSU 19 Athletic Director) regarding possible donation of old Nokomis bleachers
Softball pitching mound has been donated; it will be placed after the season is over
We will need new jerseys and a bat bag for softball next season. Will also need more baseball/softball hats next year. Tabled for now but can be considered later in the year if budget allows
NEW BUSINESS: Melissa Bragan is present to request our support for a track program affiliated with USATF
She will put the word out to attract athletes up to age 15 with practices at Nokomis. This will start the last Thursday in June with a limit of 30 to start.
There is an estimated cost of $100+ for the team plus each child will be responsible for a sign-up fee and a per-meet fee
Chuck made a motion that we allot up to $120 for the team registration; Nicole seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor.
Michelle Ervin is present to request some space in the Rec storage area for equipment for her programs in the Community Center. Meghan made a motion to provide the space and Nikki seconded the motion. This was voted unanimously in favor.
Next meeting: July 11 at 6:30 PM
Meeting adjourned 7:34 PM
Respectfully submitted by Jodine Boyd, Secretary