August 8, 2022
Corinna Recreation Department Meeting Minutes
Monday, August 8, 2022
Members Present: Meghan Baker, Jodine Boyd, Armand Cloutier, Nicole Choquette, Ben Clukey, Bobbie-Jean Crockett
Missing: Jesse Caron, Chuck Scharf, Nikki Sennett
Guests: Dennis Carr
Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM.
Bobbie made a motion to approve the minutes from the July meeting. Meghan seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor. Jodine will submit them to the Town Office.
Chairman: no Chair present. Meghan is interested in the position. Once Chuck puts his resignation in writing, we can elect a new Chair
Treasurer: $1658.22 available in regular budget.
$3717.49 (accounting for scholarships to be paid for 2021 and 2022 recipients)
$7217 for Bleacher Project
Camp starts tomorrow. 21 have signed up. It will be held in the gym in the case of inclement weather.
We will need new jerseys for the season
We need to start taking a deposit for jerseys since so many go missing at the end of the season
Nicole got a quote for all-sports jerseys, $900 for 25 blue with white lettering and 25 gray with blue lettering. Jodine made a motin that we allot $900 for new all-sports jerseys. Meghan seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor.
Paperwork has been submitted for coaches Eleni Burrill, Meghan, Nicole, and Eric Whitten. Jodine made a motion that we approve these volunteers as coaches. Bobbie seconded the motion and it was voted all in favor.
Sign-ups close Aug 15.
Meghan will look into a contact for scheduling games
The nets we purchased are too small for our goals. We can make do for this season but will need new ones.
Discussion regarding placing tarps over the field. Bobbie has a contact who may be able to donate some
Field Hockey:
Meghan will check with Newport Rec to see if they have any equipment we can borrow
During a Facebook poll, there were 30 youth interested (PreK-2 and 3-6)
Jodine made a motion to approve Maddie Pierce and Lauren Pierce as coaches. Bobbie seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor
Jodine will order chair racks for Michelle Ervin, as we approved last meeting
We still need to get donation checks from Nikki for the bleacher project
The 5K for Corinna Days is on hold pending more participants signing up
Bobbie made a motion that we allot $250 for portable team benches. Jodine seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor
Oct 15 is the wrestling event at the Community Center
Discussion regarding hanging a flag and playing the National Anthem before home Red games
Discussion regarding starting a pickle ball program. The cost of 2 sets with paddles/nets/balls is $1014. Meghan made a motion to split the cost of pickle ball sets with the Town and allotting $507 from the Rec dept. Nicole seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor. Meghan will approach the Town Manager with this suggestion.
Meghan is requesting volunteers for concessions during Corinna Days and will be rallying parents to help out. Any proceeds that are not during a Rec event will be for the Building Committee's Playground Project.
Next meeting: September 12 at 6:30 PM
Meeting adjourned 7:36 PM
Respectfully submitted by Jodine Boyd, Secretary