February 7, 2022

Corinna Recreation Department Meeting Minutes

Monday,  Feb 7, 2022


Members Present: Meghan Baker, Jesse Caron, Ben Clukey, Jodine Boyd, Armand Cloutier, Carrie Reynolds, Chuck Scharf, Nikki Sennett

Members Excused: Bobbie-Jean Crockett



Meeting called to order at 6:31 PM.

There were no January minutes but there was discussion in January about planning for a basketball tournament Feb. 12.

Armand made a motion to approve December minutes and Jesse seconded the motion.




Chairman: None


Treasurer:  We willl know our budget after the Town Meeting March 12



There is some food left from games we can sell during the tournament

Tournament starts at 8:00 and last game will be at 4:45

We need to pay refs $35 per game (total $280 for 8 games).  Those funds come form the league

Refs have to be Board certified

We have one ref confirmed for the first 4 games so far

Key Club will have some volunteers

We will charge admission


Soccer:  will take signups for indoor soccer at the tournament

Discussion regarding indoor soccer coaches and times





NEW BUSINESS: Carrie is stepping down from Vice Chair position


Next meeting: March 14 at 6:30 PM


Meeting adjourned 7:15


Respectfully submitted by Jodine Boyd, Secretary