November 14, 2022

Corinna Recreation Department

14 November 2022


Members Present:  Meghan Baker, Jodine Boyd, Nicole Choquette, Armand Cloutier, Bobbie Crockett, Jon VandeVenter

Members Excused:  Jesse Caron

Members Absent:  Ben Clukey, Chuck Scharf

Guests:  Melissa Bragan, Dennis Carr, Lois Jones




*Front and back door currently unlocked.  No point in locking the front when the back door is wide open.  Dennis has donated locks for our storage facilities and we will have keys made.

*Rec room has been inventoried and will continue to be inventoried once a month, until we are allowed to lock the doors.

*$220.00 was spent for turkey Trot hats.

*Cotton Rec T-shirts ordered, $300 for 30 from Berg.  Nicole made a motion that we order 60 more shirts for $600.  Bobbie seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor.

*Nicole made a motion that coaching volunteers who are not Corinna residents do not have to pay fees for their kids to play the sport they are coaching.  Armand seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.



$1716.25 remaining in allotted budget

$5618.97 in Scholarship/Reserve currently, with $1750 pending, leaving $3868.97.  Funds in this account can only be used for scholarships.

$7,217.00 in Bleachers

$330.00 in Rec Proceeds.  New account, established so we can deposit funds that don’t have to be spent by the end of the year and will carry over to the next year

Nicole made a motion that we deposit proceeds into the new account vs. the Scholarship account, as long as the Scholarship is maintained at $4000.00 and replenished as proceeds allow.  Meghan seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor.

We received $285 from the Turkey Trot and $190 from non-resident basketball fees.  Nicole made a motion that we put $200 in the Scholarship account to bring it up to $4000 and deposit the remainder into the Proceeds account.  Jon seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.



*Season completed, all jerseys turned in and deposit money refunded



*Sign-ups will close 16 November to solidify rosters for submission on 18 November


Nick Butler 3/4 Blue TeamPractice:  Mon 6-7/Thurs 5-6

Lyndon Hopkins 3/4 Yellow Team Practice:  Mon 5-6/Thurs 5-6

Courtney Bemis 1/2 Practice:  Sun 10-11   Jodine made a motion that we approve Courtney as a coach.  Nicole seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved

  Eleni Burrill 3/4 White team Practice:  Tues 5-6/Thurs 4-5

  and Pre-K/KPractice:  Sun 11-12

  Meghan 5/6Practice:  Tues 4-5/Thurs 4-5

*3/4 hoop will be 9 feet, 5/6 will be 10 feet

*Jodine made a  motion 11-16-22 and Nicole seconded that we allot $70 to purchase 5 scorebooks.  This was approved online since we will need the books before the next meeting and the motion wasn’t raised during the in-person meeting



Emily GravesPre-K/K  Practice:  Tuesday 5:30-6:30Karate Room & Stage when available

April McKinney3-6Practice:  Mon 5-6/Wed 5-6Karate Room

Meghan made a motion that we allot up to $200 for 21 shirts for the cheerleaders.  Bobbie seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor.



*Need to finalize a date for placing tarps and tires on the fields


Field Hockey:

Jodine made a motion that we allot up to $150 to purchase sets of sticks and balls to start an instructional field hockey program next fall.  Bobbie seconded the motion and it was voted all in favor


Old Business:

*Melissa reported that track season over the summer was a great success

*No commitment yet for pickleball

*Discussion regarding Johanna Costello holding yoga classes for a fee since Michelle Ervin already has a yoga class.  This topic was tabled for now

*Halloween parade was disappointing, perhaps because of the day and time.  May be better on a weekend.  We have remaining trophies that can be used next year.


New Business:

*$65 each to register basketball teams.  Total $260 for 4 teams.  Nicole will send an invoice to Jodine

*Order bleachers first of the year /2023

*Nicole made a motion that we allot $100 to purchase cookies and juice for the Visit with Santa Dec 11, 2-4.  Bobbie seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved

*Bobbie nominated Melissa Bragan as a new member of the Rec Committee.  Jodine seconded the nomination and it was unanimously approved.  Melissa accepted the nomination and will submit her paperwork at the Town Office.

*Melissa requested twice a month for her homeschooling group to use the gym.  There was some discussion about whether or not, as a Rec activity, we would have to pay for use of the gym.  Bobbie made a motion that we look for an open gym time during the week for students to use the gym and our equipment under the supervision of a Rec member, with a drop-in fee of $1 per child up to a $5 maximum.  Meghan seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor, pending Melissa’s paperwork and approval by the Board of Selectmen

*Jon made a motion that money collected from open gym time be deposited into the Proceeds account.   Armand seconded the motion and it was voted with 4 in favor and one opposed

*Need space in our shed for the snowblower and gas.  Town is responsible for clearing snow Thurs-Sun

*Cranks for basketball hoops need to be accessible 

*Bobbie made a motion to have our meetings at 6:00 pm instead of 6:30.  Jon seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved

*Budget proposal for next year was discussed and presented to Lois; total $5500

Baseball equipment1500 (Catchers’ gear/helmets/gloves/hats)

Soccer equipment1000 (nets, goalie gloves, benches)

Second color jerseys800




Portable toilets800


Next Meeting:12 December 2022 @ 6:00

Meeting adjourned 8:43 pm