October 10, 2022
Corinna Recreation Department Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 10, 2022
Members Present: Meghan Baker, Jodine Boyd, Armand Cloutier, Nicole Choquette, Ben Clukey, Bobbie-Jean Crockett , John
Van deVenter
Excused: Ben Clukey
Missing: Jesse Caron, Chuck Scharf
Guests: Dennis Carr
Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM.
Meghan made a motion to approve the minutes from the September meeting. Armand seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor as amended; the date of the Trunk-or-Treat has been changed to Monday, Oct. 31. Jodine will submit the minutes to the Town Office.
Chairman: $402.50 that we made at Nerf night has been deposited
Discussion regarding getting new locks for the shed, dugout and storage closet, and tracking the keys
Armand and Dennis will check at home for locks
Treasurer: $2249.25 available in regular budget.
$3868.59 in the Scholarship/Reserve Account (accounting for scholarships to be paid for 2021 and 2022 recipients)
$7217 for Bleacher Project
We need to purchase some whistles
Oct 22 will be a round robin at the middle school
Meghan made a motion to allot $40 for soccer and basketball whistles. Jodine seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor.
Bobbie made a motion to approve the $35 registration fee for 3 /4 soccer. Meghan seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor
Refs from JV team will be paid from concession profits
Last day for ¾ will be Oct. 23; for 5/6 will be Oct. 27. Deposits for jerseys will be returned at that time.
36 have signed up so far
Jodine made a motion that we approve the following coaches::
PreK/K – Eleni Burrill, paperwork completed
1 /2 – Nick Butler
3 /4 – Lyndon Hopkins
5/6 – Meghan if needed. We have had few sign-ups at this level
Bobbie seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved
Meghan made a motion and Nicole seconded that we approve the following coaches for winter cheering:
PreK-2 – Emily Graves and Maria Semard
3-6 – April Stankevitz and Katelyn Gerrish
The motion passed unanimously, pending paperwork
Discussion regarding placing tarps over the fields and anchor them with tires.
Field Hockey: Tabled for now
-Turkey Trot 5 K Nov 13. $20 for adults, kids 10 and under free for a 1 mile run Registration will be at 9:30 with the run at 10:00. Meghan made a motion to allot $300 for Beanies, Jodine seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved
-Wrestling event coming up Oct 15. Need baked goods, help with setting up chairs and clean up
-Meghan made a motion that we allot $78 for trophies for the Halloween costume parade. Nicole seconded and it was voted unanimously in favor
-Discussion regarding looking at grants for the future
-Discussion regarding the cost of an outfield fence
-Jodine made a motion for Johanna Costello to provide yoga classes for parents and others during basketball practices starting in November. Meghan seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved
-A code of conduct will be implemented for all players, parents and coaches
Next meeting: September 12 at 6:30 PM
Meeting adjourned 8:09 PM
Respectfully submitted by Jodine Boyd, Secretary