May 9, 2022

Corinna Recreation Department Meeting Minutes

Monday,  May 9, 2022


Members Present: Meghan Baker, Jodine Boyd, Nicole Choquette, Ben Clukey, Bobbie-Jean Crockett, Armand Cloutier, Chuck Scharf

John VandeVenter

Absent:  Jesse Caron, Nikki Sennett



Meeting called to order at 6:28 PM.

Armand made a motion to approve the minutes from the April meeting as amended. Bobbie seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor.  Jodine will submit them to the Town Office.  




Chairman: Hats and shirts should be available this week from Berg.

Meghan is also in contact with Berg.


Treasurer:  $200.00 was deposited into the Scholarship/Reserve account from sign ups

Paid a Wight's invoice for 229.85 (helmet and chest protectors)


Soccer:  nets need to be removed.  Can recruit some help from high schoolers



Meghan received a quote for team benches:  $1000 for 2 8-foot benches.  She has approached area businesses to donations.  They are light enough to easily pick up and move.

Also bleachers, $700 each plus shipping

Saturday is opening day.  The lawn needs to be mowed before then

Meghan made a motion to hold a 50/50 raffle at the games.  Ben seconded and it was unanimously approved.

Outfield fence is up and it looks good

Lyndon requested lighter bats for younger players.  Chuck made a motion to spend up to $60 for 2 bats; Meghan seconded the motion and it was approved.

Discussion regarding promoting a Player of the Game on Facebook and providing them with a game ball




NEW BUSINESS: Meghan has joined the Community Center Committee

Meghan made a motion to purchase 2 Easy-ups, coolers, a rug, poster supplies and tables for outdoor activities.  Ben seconded the motion and it was approved to spend up to $300 on those items.

Meghan got some quotes for irregular shirts from Berg Activewear that can be sold for Rec

Fundraising ideas were discussed:  Spirit nights at the Farmer's Table, Paint and Sip night, discount cards with area businesses



Next meeting: June 13 at 6:30 PM


Meeting adjourned 7:17 PM


Respectfully submitted by Jodine Boyd, Secretary