March 15, 2022

Corinna Recreation Department Meeting Minutes

Tuesday,  March 15, 2022


Members Present: Meghan Baker, Jesse Caron,  Bobbie-Jean Crockett, Ben Clukey, Jodine Boyd, Armand Cloutier, Carrie Reynolds, Chuck Scharf, Nikki Sennett

Guests: John Van


Meeting called to order at 6:28 PM.

Armand made a motion to approve the minutes from the February meeting. Megan seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor.  Jodine will submit them to the Town Office.  




Chairman: The town meeting was last Saturday and our budget of $4000 was approved


Treasurer:  We made $1184.68 at the basketball tournament and that has been deposited to the Reserve/Scholarship account.  $110.00 was also deposited from basketball out-of-town fees.



Soccer:  76 players signed up for indoor soccer

Megan nominated Erica Whitten, Ashton Caron and Nicole Choquette as coaches.  Bobbie seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor.

Practices will be until April 10

Armand and Megan will work on purring the new nets together


Baseball/Softball:  April 6 is the deadline for teams, May 14 is opening day

Sign ups will be March 20 from 9 to 12

Discussion regarding times for each age level

No coaches yet; will depend on numbers

Umpires need volunteer forms and background check.  We can use high schoolers

Field clean-up day TBD

$50 per division

Armand made a motion to allot $100 for fees.  Jodine seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. 




NEW BUSINESS: Nikki has names for potential field hockey coaches


Next meeting: April at 6:30 PM


Meeting adjourned 7:06 PM


Respectfully submitted by Jodine Boyd, Secretary