August 2015
The Corinna Water District met at the Stewart Library Building and the meeting was called to order at 3:00pm.
Present were Chairman Jim Louder, Bill Condon and Elaine Lister.
Treasurer reported the checking account balance at Sebasticook Valley Credit Union is $15680.14 as of August
27, 2015. The balance will be $13,788.40 when checks listed on the August Warrant are approved.
As of July 31, 2015 - Accrued Contingency Funds (CD’s) $16,743.70. DEP Subsidy (CD’s) $50,596.34.
CD “A”, in the amount of $5,310.16 was transferred to our checking account on August 13, 2015 which will be
reflected on the bank statement of September 30th.
Elaine Lister made a motion to accept the July minutes. Bill Condon seconded. Unanimous approval.
Operator, Scott Paradis, was unable attend the meeting but gave his statement in advance of the meeting. He will
be going on vacation September 3 – 10th. Bill Condon will be contacted if there is a problem. Fluctuation is still a
problem but everything should be set for the week Scott’s gone. Two hydrants need repairs. Ron Paradis will be
contacted to do the work.
Maine Rural Water is setting up a meeting with State Officials to work on ways to make our Water District
sustainable over the long term. This should take place in mid to late September.
Maine Rural Water is looking into the possibility of obtaining grant money to help with the cost of repairing
control panels and telemetry equipment at the plant. If they aren’t successful, we will need to order the parts for
the control panels and have them installed. Telemetry will have to be addressed in the future.
9 St Albans Road sold. The closing is scheduled. An application for new service at this address has been sent to
the closing company. A meter reading is scheduled for Sept 2. Buyer will submit completed application and fee.
The final bill for the seller will be emailed to the closing company on Sept 3.
26 accounts paid in full for 2nd Qtr 2015
2 accounts owe for 2nd Qtr 2015
1 account (#125) makes partial payments, has credit balance
account (#122) not occupied/no further billing ( Insurance Building )
The August Warrant was reviewed and approved.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday September 24 at 9:00am
Meeting adjourned at3:30 pm