November 2015
The Corinna Water District met at the Stewart Library Building and the meeting was called to order at 9:00 am.
Present were Chairman Jim Louder, Elaine Lister, Bill Condon and Secretary-Treasurer Sandee Kerr.
Treasurer reported the checking account balance at Sebasticook Valley Credit Union is $16,467.57 as of
November 25, 2015. The balance will be $14,103.71 when checks listed on the November Warrant are
As of October 30, 2015 - Accrued Contingency Funds (1 -CD) are $11,445.24. DEP Subsidy (4 CD’s) are
Elaine Lister made a motion to accept the October minutes. Bill Condon seconded. Unanimous approval.
We still have a fluctuation problem with the water. We are waiting for PLC’s, which should help level the
fluctuation. The hydrants were winterized.
MRWA discussions:
Grant money available for big jobs, but its not sure if there’s money for a small job like our tank.
They are looking for a grant at 100% for us.
At the State Stakeholders meeting in October it was noted that no plan was ever put in place for the
sustainability of CWD.
We need to pursue a rate increase and arrange for MRWA to help.
It was suggested that CWD pursue a rate increase and arrange for MRWA to help. A motion was made by
Elaine Lister to approve a rate increase and seconded by Bill Condon. Unanimous approval.
A motion was made by Bill Condon and seconded by Elaine Lister to approve the Budget for 2016. Unanimous
Bill Condon will meet with Scott to discuss repairs at the plant.
25 accounts paid in full for 3rd Qtr 2015
3 accounts owe for 3rd Qtr 2015
account (#125) makes partial payments, has credit balance
1 account (#122) not occupied/no further billing ( Insurance Building )
The November Warrant was reviewed and approved.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday December 30 at 9:00am.
Meeting adjourned at 9:43am.