Stewart Free Library Internet Acceptable Use Policy

Corinna, Maine

The Stewart Free Library provides access to the Internet as one means of fulfilling its mission to “assemble, preserve and administer a collection of resources in a variety of formats that met the needs of the community…” [Mission Statement, approved by the Town of Corinna Board of Selectmen, December 12, 2001].
       Information and resources on the Internet can enhance the material available at the Library and go beyond what is locally available. The Library, however, does not monitor the Internet or have control over the information accessed through the Internet. Not all sites on the global Internet provide accurate, complete or current information and access points often change rapidly and unpredictably. Some sites may carry information that a user finds controversial or inappropriate. Library users access the Internet at their own discretion. As with other Library materials, restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian. Parents are encouraged to come in with their children and supervise Internet sessions at the Library. In order to protect users from material they (or in the case of minors, their parents) may find objectionable, as well as to comply with the Children's Internet Protection Act, the Stewart Free Library users a content filter. Adult users may request a librarian for assistance in bypassing this filter.

Use of computers is on a first-come-first-serve basis. There is a 30 minute time limit.  Additional time is allowed if no one is waiting to use the workstation.  
Users must have a valid library card and have no overdue materials to use the computers. In addition, minors must have a current library card on file that is signed by the parent or guardian. As a courtesy, visitors that are over 18 years of age and have a valid ID may be allowed internet access.
Users must sign in on the sign-up sheets by each computer.
Before signing up for an internet session, users must read the policy and guidelines. Further, it is understood that in signing up to use the service, the user has agreed to follow the policy and the guidelines.
Respect the privacy of others using public computers by not interfering with their use.
Library staff is available to assist you, but may not be familiar with every application you wish to use. Time permitting, staff will attempt to answer specific questions about the Internet.
Users must agree to obey all applicable federal, state and local laws, including, but not limited to, copyright, licensing and content restrictions. The Library reserves the right to terminate the user’s Internet privileges for abuse of these conditions or for unauthorized use of the Library’s Internet connection.
Users may not use Library equipment for commercial activity, activities for personal financial gain,  access to illegal materials including those that are obscene or harmful to minors or for any illegal or fraudulent actions or access to materials which by local community standards would be considered abusive, offensive, or obscene.
Users may not engage in any activity which is libelous or slanderous. Nor shall any patron use any Internet resources to offend, harass, intimidate or threaten any third party.
Users may not install or download any program or software update onto the Library computers or save any files onto the computer’s hard drive.
Users may bring in removable storage devices and copy materials onto them. Printing is available at a charge.
Any damage to the computer or its peripheral devices is the responsibility of the user. Abuse of the equipment or the service will result in the user being denied further access.
Users may not alter or damage existing software or hardware including but not limited to changing configurations, settings or preferences.
There will be no more than 2 people at a computer station.
No food or drink is allowed at a computer station.
Computer users are required to follow the same rules of conduct as others in the Library and not engage in disruptive behavior.
Violations of any of the guidelines may result in the loss of computer privileges.

Parents or legal guardians must assume responsibility for deciding which Library resources are appropriate for their own children.  Parents or legal guardians should guide their children in use of the Internet and inform them about materials they should not use.  While the Library affirms and acknowledges the rights and responsibilities of parents and guardians to monitor and determine their children's access to Library materials and resources, including those available through the Internet, the Library will implement filters that endeavor to identify sites that would not comply with CIPA, but will not apply filters to generic word lists or lists of sites not relevant to CIPA. Parents and guardians should understand that filters limit, but cannot eliminate, a child's exposure to potentially harmful or undersirable information. Fillters can be removed at the request of a patron who is over 18.
When signing up to use the Internet computer, patrons under the age of eighteen must have a current library card with the parent/legal guardian's signature to register.
To address the issues of access by minors to inappropriate material on the Internet, including material that is harmful to minors, the Library:      
Provides access to special web sites for children and teens;
Encourages staff to guide minors away from materials that may be inappropriate;
Provides bookmarks about internet safety
Makes available in the library the pamphlet Keeping Kids Safer on the Internet  published by The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
To address the issue of the safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms and other forms of direct electronic communications, as well as the unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors, the Library urges minors to keep in mind the following safety guidelines:
Never give out identifying information such as home address, school name, or telephone number.
Let parents or guardians decide whether personal information such as age, marital status, or financial information should be revealed.
Never arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone via the computer without parents' or guardians' approval.
Never respond to messages that are suggestive, obscene, threatening, or make one uncomfortable.
Have parents or guardians report an incident to the National Center for the Missing and Exploited at 1-800-843-5678 if one becomes aware of the transmission of child pornography.
Remember that people online may not be who they say they are.
Remember that everything one reads may not be true.
Library users are hereby advised that use of the Library's computers for hacking or any other unlawful activity is strictly prohibited.
This statement of policy will be revised as times and circumstances require.
Updated by the Library Director, July 2012
Approved by the Corinna Board of Selectmen, October 10, 2012
Amended on January 14, 2015 at 4:16 pm

Amended on May 19, 2015 at 10:51 am