January 25, 2022

Corinna Planning Board

January 25, 2022


Board members in attendance: Laurie, David, Nicole, and Darlene.

Public attendance: Lois Jones and Al Tempesta


Laurie called meeting to order at 6pm.


Old Business:                                                                                 

Perfect Fit Subdivision


Application was reviewed for additional information requested and corrections at the last board meeting and found to application to be complete. Waiver requests were received forA high-intensity soil survey, Contour lines, Hydrogeologic assessment,Type of vehicular traffic, and Traffic Impact Analysis.

The planning board found that the high intensity soil survey was not necessary as the application is at low density on suitable soils and the lots will be large enough. Darlene motioned and Nicole 2nd. All in favor


The planning Board found that since the subdivision property is flat, the project is small, and no road construction or grading changes in elevation are needed, the need for contour lines is unnecessary at this time. Darlene motioned and Nicole 2nd.  All in favor


The Planning Board found the hydrogeologic assessment unnecessary as the subdivision is served by a public sewer and is not located over a sand and gravel aquifer. Darlene motioned and Nicole 2nd.  All in favor


The Planning Board finds this submission unnecessary as the traffic is not expected to increase. Darlene motioned Nicole 2nd. All in favor


The Planning Board finds that a traffic impact analysis is not necessary as the subdivision is not residential and would not generate over 100 passenger cars in a peak hour. Darlene motioned and Nicole 2nd  All in favor. 


The planning board finds that the solid waste from the proposed subdivision will not exceed the capacity of MMSWA. Darlene motioned and Nicole 2nd  All in favor


Darlene made a motion to waive these subdivision requirements in that the special circumstances of the particular tract proposed for development and the simple nature of the application indicate that the mentioned submission items are unnecessary to verify compliance with the subdivision review criteria and would not nullify the intent and purpose of the comprehensive plan, zoning regulations, or these subdivision regulations:

Nicole 2nd  All in favor


Darlene made a motion to except the storm water management plan as depicted on the property easement received with the subdivision application. Nicole 2nd  All in favor


Laurie made a motion to accept the Perfect Fit Subdivision Plan application. Nicole 2nd  All in favor  Maps were signed and dated by all board members present.


No member concerns

Next meeting February 15, 2022.


Laurie motioned to adjourn, Nicole 2nd  All in favor Meeting adjourned at 6:25 pm



Darlene Bagley