The Corinna Water District met at the Stewart Library Building and the meeting was called to order at 3:00pm. Present were Chairman Jim Louder, Bill Condon, and Secretary-Treasurer Sandee Kerr.
Treasurer reported the checking account balance at Sebasticook Valley Credit Union is $16,816.61 as of May 29, 2014. The balance will be $11,304.85 when checks listed on the May Warrant are approved.
Jim Louder made a motion to accept the April minutes. Bill Condon seconded. Unanimous approval.
Operator was not in attendance at this meeting. Prior to the meeting he reported that the touch screen on the Pump 1 and Pump 2 control panel was failing. A replacement has been ordered and will be installed when received. Payment for the touch screen will be released once it has been installed and is up and running. Operator also reported that there are no additional problems with the water system and everything is running OK.
Update on treatment plant repairs were discussed.
Application procedures and fees for new consumer installations were discussed. Jim Louder plans to check with Tom Todd to see if Newport requires a plumbing permit before an installation and/or an inspection by the plumbing inspector after an installation. Corinna Water District may want to do the same.
CWD capacity and future growth was discussed.
The 2004 Capacity Analysis for the Institutional Control Zone survey was discussed. The survey included what was here before the mill, what was done when the mill went out and future needs. The Corinna Water System was designed for customers in the town mill site area.
Jim Louder has been talking to MRWA, they said that we need to follow PUC regulations.
22 accounts paid in full
4 accounts owe for 1st Qtr 2014
1 account (#125)– makes partial payments, has credit balance
1 account (122) not occupied/no further billing
(Insurance Building)
The May Warrant was reviewed and approved.
The next meeting will be held on Monday June 30 at 3:00pm
Meeting adjourned at 3:35pm.