The Corinna Water District met at the Stewart Library Building and the meeting was called to order at 3:03pm.
Present were Chairman Jim Louder, Bill Condon, Scott Paradis, Operator and Secretary-Treasurer Sandee Kerr.
Treasurer reported the checking account balance at Sebasticook Valley Credit Union is $16135.79 as of February 24, 2014.
The balance will be $14422.71 when checks listed on the February Warrant are approved.
Jim Louder made a motion to accept the January minutes. Bill Condon seconded. Unanimous approval.
Operator reported that everything is going well.
The Trustees agreed to rescind Elaine Lister's letter of resignation with her
request and approval. A motion was made by Jim Louder and seconded by Bill
Condon. Unanimous approval.
The request for abatement was received and a revised invoice was issued.
There is to be a hearing to report on the Maine Legislative attempt to get CWD a subsidy.
We may need to change CWD’s Charter to describe the actual district.
We will be meeting with Alex Wong of MRWA who is working on source water protection and update Vulnerability and the emergency response plan.
Capacity Development Grant . We sent Steve Levy 3-years of Financials and the Budget. Jim Louder plans to go to Augusta again on Thursday
21 accounts paid in full
1 account (#114) owed for 4th Quarter, left voice mail message and
mailed past due reminder notice.
2 accounts (#130 & 131) owed for 4th qtr, consumer will mail today,
Feb 24
1 account (#132) allowed abatement of $139.15 per CWD
Abatement Policy and a revised Invoice was emailed to Consumer
Feb 20. Payment of balance of $211.77 is expected soon.
1 account (#118) Consumer out of work due to injury, making
weekly payments on 4th Qtr Billing
1 account (#125)– makes partial payments, has credit balance
1 account (122) not occupied/no further billing ( Insurance Building )
The February Warrant was reviewed and approved.
The next meeting will be held on Monday March 31st at 3:00pm.
Meeting adjourned at 3:35pm.