March 2024
Perfect Fit Community Center Committee Minutes
March, 2024
Members present: Ron Richards, Gary Dorman, Darlene Bagley, Lois Jones, Barbara Peavey, Dennis Carr
Others present:
Lois called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm
Election of officers
Chairman moved by Dennis, 2nd by Barbara for Ron Richards as chairman, all in favor
Vice Chairman moved by Dennis, 2nd by Barbara for Gary Dorman as vice chairman, all in favor
Secretary moved by Dennis, 2nd by Ron for Barbar Peavey as secretary, all in favor
Treasurer moved by Dennis, 2nd by Gary for Lois Jones as Treasurer, all in favor
Treasurer’s Report: Reserve Fund $43,163.64 Playground $89,849.11 Expenses remaining $44,887.57 moved by Barb, 2nd by Darlene to accept, all in favor
Secretary’s Report: Moved by Barbara. 2nd Gary to accept February minutes, all in favor
Playground Tentative install date May 13 and 14.
Equipment and install - $75,325, leaves $14,525 for site work.
Playground have separate meeting Wednesday, April 3 at 10 am
Outdoor Rec Space Lois shared email from Doug Beck on the conversion and site plan for walking trail.
New Kitchenette area sink, 2 base cabinets and counter about $2,000 will take money from reserves account.
Election Wall Moved by Darlene, 2nd by Barbarato have the election wall moved from the fire department to the community center. Ron and Gary will work with Scott to do this, town will pay for this
Keys CMCMA and Jim Fraiser will need key to the closet on stage to store their equipment, moved by Gary 2nd by Lois to get keys made, all in favor
Keycard system, Rec Department requested we install keycard system on the rec room area, move by Dennis 2nd by Barbara not to install because of expense. All in favor
First aid Kits, we do have kits available in the community center
Exercise room Mike Lebel would like to create a fitness gym in the kitchenette room, he would buy and maintain equipment. His Perfect Fit employees free use of. We would sell gym memberships to others, Mike will buy keycards for his people
Will look for policies got use of the exercise room
Pickleball court size 20x44 about $1200 for equipment to get started
.Craft Fair Dates May 4th and November 9
Community Yard Sale August 2,3,4
Dennis Carr
Next Meeting April 15 , 2024 5:00 pm