April 10, 2023

Corinna Recreation Department Minutes

10 April 2023


Members Present: Nicole, Melissa, Kelly, Armand, Jon, Ben

Members Absent: Bobbi              Excused-Chuck, Jesse, Meghan

Guests: None

Meeting start: 6:10


*Picked up new catcher’s gear and 2 chest protectors from Chuck.  All gear is sorted, color coded and staged in the shed.  Also picked up all balls ordered and out in appropriate buckets.



Approve March Meeting Minutes

                Melissa motions to approve minutes with amend to her last name from White to Bragen, Armand seconds, all in favor, no one opposed


                $3513.03 Proceeds

                $5400 Budget

                                $307 catcher’s gear

                                $259 baseballs

                                                Budget: $4834



*Indoor soccer clinic

                -Sunday Feb 26th – Apr 2nd / 1-3pm        COMPLETE




                -Monday Feb 27th – Apr 3rd / 5-6pm       COMPLETE


                -Shirts/Uniforms for next season




*6 teams, (1) Minors, (2) Coach Pitch, (2) T-Ball

*Rec Picture day:  May 3rd at 5pm / Room 17

*Melissa makes a motion to hold a baseball opening day, Kelly seconds, all in favor no one opposed.  Opening day will be held on Saturday May 6th at 10am.  Announce coaches, players, National Anthem and an honorary first pitch.  Nicole will ask Ron Richards, pending approval from town manager.  Nicole will reach out to True Photography to see if she will volunteer to picture the event.

*Nicole makes a motion to vote in coaches, pending Matt Kinney paperwork., Armand seconds, all in favor, no one opposed.  Coaches are as follows:

Nick Butler

Matt Kinney

Lyndon Hopkins

Eleni Burill

Chris Martin

Aaron Lameraeou

*Nicole makes a motion to hold a field clean-up day on April 22 at 10am and allocate $100 for pizza and water for the help, Kelly seconds the motion, all in favor, no one opposed.

*Chuck will call on 4-11 to have the porty-potty delivered 



* 1 Coach pitch team

*Sent 5 players to Newport, due to not having enough for a team (grades 4/5/6)



Field Hockey:



*Talk about ordering gear in May for the June season, quotes already obtained by Melissa

*Melissa makes a motion to allocate $100 for the track registration fee to be paid, and $50 for coach

background checks, Ben seconds, all in favor, no one opposed.


Open Gym:

*Thursday 2-5 pm

                -Last day is the Thursday of Spring Break April 20th




Old Business:

*CPR was completed on Friday March 31st for those who attended:

                Nicole, April, Erica, Nick, Chris and Armand

*Baseball coaches meeting held on Monday April 6th at 5pm



*Spring Fling April 15th


                                -Dance in gym

                                -Games in karate room

                                -Ice Cream Floats / Nachos for snacks



New Business:

*Parent meeting before season about expectations, met the coach, practice day/time etc.

*Spring Fling April 15th


                                -Dance in gym…Music

                                -Games in karate room…who can bring what…

                                -Ice Cream Floats / Nachos for snacks

*Kelly makes a motion to cancel the Spring Fling in preparation for field clean-up and opening day, Ben seconds the motion, all in favor, no one opposed.


Meeting concluded:  7:03























Next Meeting:   8 May 2023 @ 6:00PM