January 9, 2023





MEMBERS PRESENT: Melissa, Jon, Armand, Jesse, Meghan 

Chuck & Nicole


SECRETARY REPORT: Armand approves December Meeting Minutes, Melissa Seconds, all in favor.


CHAIRMAN REPORT: Rec Room Inventory ~ Kickballs are gone (6). 


NOMINATIONS: Nominate Kelly Irish to the Board

Jody Nominates, Meghan 2nd, all in favor.


Jody makes a motion to nominate Meghan. As Secretary

Melissa Bragan 2nd, all I favor.



*$1000 until March 11th. 

$5819 Reserve

$1207 Proceeds

$7217 Bleacher Reserves 


$203.52 2022 budget to be paid to Community Center Committee

$1750 in Scholarships to be paid out


Indoor Soccer - Erica Whitten wants to do a clinic, tabled to February Meeting.


Basketball- Didn’t buy the clipboards. Will revisit. 

February 5th Instructional Basketball Last day. 


Baseball- Baseball Fields will need work ~ Have Maine Lawn Pros Come give estimate in March. 


Open Gym-Maybe continue every other Thursday Day 

Staying every Thursday in January


Jody- Yearly Note for the town. Nicole already has done. 

Pursue CPR & AED with Nancy! We are going to check out some open dates. Weeknights ~ Tuesday. Will check dates & bring to February Meeting.

Meghan made a Motion to approve CPR Class 1 - CPR Class of 10 people up to $40 each. 2nd Jesse. All in favor.


New Business-

Form for Scholarships due sometime for February- will instruct Meghan on how. Fill it out and send to Dawn Hale at the school. 



2 for each Baseball field, move for soccer 

3 tiered 15’ 

Checking Team Benches with shipping

Mike will unload? Write a letter.



Hot Dog Steamer

Popcorn Maker

Clean the hot dog steamer


Monday at 6pm Shared Community Center Meeting 1/16pm

Next Meeting February 13th @ 6pm

Meeting Adjourned at 7:06