Information & Numbers

Legal Services for the Elderly

We provide free and confidential legal services to Maine residents age 60 and older. We also provide Medicare and Medicare Part D assistance to low income Mainers of any age.

Medicare Part D can be confusing. No matter what your age, if you have Medicare and limited income, Lega Services for the Elderly can help. Call toll-free 1-877-774-7772.

Get the Answers! The Medicare Part D Unit of Legal Services for the Elderly can help with problems like these:

  • Your Medicare Part D Plan refuses to cover your medicine.
  • Your co-pays are too high.
  • You find that Medicare Part D is just to confusing to understand.

We will work with you, your doctor, and your pharmacy to get you the medications you need.

Legal Services for the Elderly can help you with issues like these:

  • A friend or relative is hurting, threatening, or taking advantage of you.
  • Someone is trying to get guardianship over you.
  • You are a victim of a scam.
  • You have a problem with Social Security.
  • You may lose your home or be evicted.
  • You have been denied Maine Care(Medicaid) Benefits or drugs under Medicare Part D.
  • and many more issues.

Even if you are not sure of what kind of help you need, call us, and we'll help you sort things out. Legal Services for the Elderly(LSE) are free and confidential

Call our help line: 1-800-750-5353, Out of State 1-207-623-1797

Go to our Elder Rights Handbook at: