May 2, 2022

Perfect Fit Community Center

Meeting Minutes – May 2, 2022


Members present: Allen Proctor, Lois Jones, Barbara Peavey, Darlene Bagley, Ron Richards, Dennis Carr

Others present:  Megan Baker, Lloyd Alden Bolstridge

Called to order 5:00 pm

Election of officers   Chairman, Allen Proctor, nominated by Lois, 2nd Dennis

Motion nominations cease by Lois, 2nd Barbara, all in favor

All in favor Allen for chairman.

Vice Chairman:  Ron Richards nominated by Barbara, 2nd by Allen

Motion nominations cease by Lois, 2nd Barbara, all in favor

All in favor Ron Vice Chairman

Treasurer’s Report:  moved by Barbara, 2nd by Allen to accept treasure’s report as presented

Approve minutes:  moved by Lois, 2nd by Barbara to accept minutes as printed

New Business:  Recreation committee would like Pepsi machines.  Discussion around having a full service machine in the building.  Questions raised about need for internet, someone available for ordering and receiving product.  Megan will get more information

Gym Floor:  Moved by Barbara, 2nd Allen go accept bid by Signature Floors for $19,300.05 to refinish the gym floor.  All in favor

Floor Scrubber:  Mike Lebel has asked Allen to do scrub floors on his section of the building.  He will by the necessary pads and pay any repairs.  Moved to allow by Barbara, 2nd by Darlene, all in favor.

Old Business

Plummer Foundation Grant:  Gary has prepared acost estimate to relocate the Brad Davis playground, this will be used to as we prepare to begin fundraising.

Land Grant Conversion:  Requesting selectmen to use the lot behind Corundel Commons for this.  This must be paid for by local funds.  Ideas include walking trail, picnic area, some equipment, possible sledding area for winter.

Next meeting:  June 6th,  5:00 pm


Moved by Darlene 2nd by Lois to adjourn 6:00 pm  all in favor