July 11, 2022

Perfect Fit Community Center

July 11, 2022 Meeting Minutes


Members present:  Allen Proctor, Ron Richards, Darlene Bagley, Lois Jones, Barbara Peavy, Dennis Carr, Meghan Baker

Others present:  Gary Dorman, Susan Carver, Jessica Carver, Rachel Merry, Donna Merry, Arielle Costello

Secretary Report:  Moved by Lois, 2nd Darlene to accept. All in favor

Treasurer’s report:  balance of $72,502.91  Moved by Barbara 2nd Darlene to accept All in Favor

Yard Sale:  Gary shared we sold the 3 round tables and chairs to Perfect Fit.  Will be using the rooms and library room along with hallway, nothing in the gym.  Dennis will contact karate group see if they can move to Tuesday or Wednesday night for setting up. 

Homeschool group:  Susan Carver requesting to use rooms for about 32 students,  grades  K-12 for study groups.  Wish to meet once per week for 2 hours.  Building usually available 10-3 most week days charge will be $37.50 for 2 hours.  Must provide insurance and will schedule as they get closer to starting.  May also invite Stetson group to join them sometimes.

Wrestling Event  Dennis has contacted the professional wrestling group, NAPW to put on a show for us October 15.  They will provide free ring and schedule wrestlers.  They will post on internet, make posters, and tickets.  Will send us tickets for presale and we keep $6 per ticket and $2 per ticket for ones they sell and at the door.  We can get sponsors, have a raffle and concessions  and keep all of that.

Playground Committee:  All Community Center members will be the playground committee.  Darlene the flower garden out front of community center has not been touched she will work on this.

Moved by Barbara 2nd Meghan,  all in favor.

Children’s musical:  Ariele Costello presented her ideas on doing a young child’s musical, She has done this in the past.  Introduced her to Gary Dorman and encouraged her to meet with the Levi Stewart Theater group as they handle the productions in town.

CMCMA  The group will be returning to the gym for their shows starting in August.  They wouldlike for the community center to take over the concessions for them.  Meghan and Dennis volunteered to oversee this.  No food in the gym at this point so will set up tables in the hallway for eating. 

The group will also put on a fundraiser for the community center on October 8th.  We will need to work out details for this also.

Moved by Meghan 2nd by Lois  All in favor

Fund Raiser Letter:  Lois presented  fundraising letters, playground, and Valley of Trees.  Asked if wanted send out together and let people select one or separate spaced out.

Moved by Lois 2nd by Barbara to send out separate mailings.

Governor Mills grant child-care program:   Moved Barbara 2nd Lois to table this,  All in favor

Portable dance floor :  Need to look at other options  Moved Meghan 2nd Lois to table

All in favor

Mats and rugs Lois has talked with the company to put runners and mats in entrance ways and to supply mop heads monthly.  Move by Ron 2nd Meghan to do this .  All in favor

Duck Race  Discussed if wanted to do the duck race.  Due to lateness of getting them sold and low water it was moved by Ron 2nd Darlene not to do this.  All in favor

Corinna Days parade  will not have a float

Walkway  Lois will talk to Mike

Alfond Foundation  Ron will approach the again to discuss possible grant for ball fields

Adjourn Moved by Barbara 2nd by Lois All in favor


Next Meeting   August 8th at 5:00 pm