March 14, 2022


Corinna Community Center Committee’s

Meeting Minutes

March 14, 2022

Item 1; Gary called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.

Member Attendance:  Barbara Peavey, Darlene Bagley,

Ron Richard, Darryl Henderson, Gary Dorman, Lois Jones, Dennis Carr

Item 2:  Treasurer’s report:  Barbara made a motion to except the report and Darryl seconded the motion as all in favor.

Item 3:  Approve minutes of February 7, 2022:  Lois made a motion to except the minutes and Darryl seconded the motion as all are in favor.

Item 4: Old Business

  1.  Update on Perfect Fit Building sale:  We were sent a copy of the agreement.  A few things need to be clarified and changed on the agreement.  He plans on the building being done by April 15, 2022.  We need to start paying our portion of the heat soon.
  2. Parks conversion status:  Doug Beck said that all the spots that we are looking at would work.  We have to decide where and what we want to do.  Dog park will not work.
  3. Gym Floor:  It will cost $20,000 to have it redone and $5000 to have it recoated.  We are not going to do it at this time. 

Item 5:  New Business

  1.  Election on officers for 2022

             Chairperson – Gary Dorman Nominated by Dennis seconded by Darryl all in favor.

              Second chairperson – Darryl Henderson Nominated by Ron, Seconded by Lois all in favor

               Treasurer – Lois Jones Nominated by Darryl and seconded by Gary all in favor.

                Secretary – Dennis Carr Nominated by Darryl and seconded by Gary all in favor.

  1.  Letter from M Ervin on senior exercise program:  Numbers are continuing to increase.  Silver sneakers equipment has been donated like yoga, HRRT, cardio to help the program and the VFW in Hampden donated some chairs.
  2. Grants and 501c3 status:  Michelle would like to get a grant for 10,000. \We are not a 501c3 status.  So the grant that we need we can not get.  We need to ask our attorney if we can become one.
  3. Security:  We are having some problems with kids and vandalism.  We have had to change the code again.  We need to get some cameras up, internet hooked up and maybe a phone line.
  4. Town meeting:  It went very well with no problems.  Budget passed with no problems.
  5. Playground:  Rich Furman would like to help support moving the playground.  Going to look into the Plummer foundation to help.
  6. Additional agenda items: none

Item 6:  Next meeting date:  April 4 2022 at 5 pm

Darlene made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Dennis second it and all in favor at 5:47 pm.