February 7, 2022
Corinna Community Center Committee’s Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2022
Item 1: Gary called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m.
Member Attendance: Gary Dorman, Dennis Carr, Ron Richards, Barbara Peavey, Darryl Henderson, Lois Jones
Non-Members: Michelle Ervin
Item 2: treasurer’s report – Barb made a motion to except the treasurer’s report, Darryl second it and all in favor to approve.
Item 3: Approve minutes – 1/3/2022 minutes motion was made by Lois to except, seconded by Dennis and all in favor to approve. 12/6/2021 motion was made to approve by Lois and seconded by Darryl, all in favor.
Item 4: Old Business:
- Sale of kitchen and library equipment results: We sold all kitchen and library shelving for $1550.00.
- Update on Perfect Fit Building sale: Sub division was approved for the sale of the land and building. The lease and deed is being done by Ted Parker and then given to lawyer. Perfect Fit want to have a grand opening when building is all done. The purchase and sales agreement have been signed.
Item 5: New Business:
- Letter from Doug Beck, Maine Land and Water Conser. Fund: We were given a packet on this matter. We need to move ½ acre to protect our out door land recreation area because we sold the basketball and tennis court. So that way we can still get grants. Need to come up with some ideas for the new area for recreation for the town.
- Letter from M. Ervin on senior exercise program: Guilford will be getting new equipment and they will be giving Michelle the old equipment to use at our place for her program. Right now, she still gets it for rent free. She is going to give it another month or two and see if her numbers will go up.
Item 6: Additional agenda Items: Town meeting will be held on March 12, 2022.
Item 7: Next meeting will be help on March 14h at 5p.m.
Meeting is Adjourned at 6:21 p.m. Barb made the motion to adjourn and Ron seconded it, all in favor.