November 7, 2022
Perfect Fit Community Center Committee Meeting
November 7, 2022
Members Present: Allen Proctor, Ron Richards, Lois Jones, Darlene Bagley, Meghan Baker, Dennis Carr
Others Present: Gary Dorman
Meeting called to order by Allen 7:06pm
Treasure’s Report $54,040.22
Lois reports we are -$2,205.32 in town budget allotted. Moved by Ron, 2nd Dennis to accept, all in favor.
Secretary Report: moved by Lois, 2nd Meghan to accept as written, all in favor.
Move Day Care from Health center. Moved by Dennis 2nd Ron to not move the Day Care to the community Center for lack of space and cost to upgrade. All in favor
Written Poll for sr. citizen cribbage/scrabble/puzzle days: Discussed if a PFCC or Rec. Committee program. Tabled
Senior Citizen bus trip: Tabled
Floor Damage: Discussed needing signs on doors of NO bicycles, skate boards or roller blades/skates allowed on gym floor
Indoor soccer group, Do they have own equipment? Nets must be carried not dragged Lois to check with group
Christmas Event. Dennis suggested we host the Christmas Santa Event Marsha used to host for the town. He has spoken with past Santa, story reader and girl scouts and they are all willing to continue.
Gary will inventory gifts
All in favor of December 11, 2-4 pm setup at noon
Valley of Trees: Lois said the Town has reserved a tree for the Sebasticook Chamber Valley of Trees, we need to ask area businesses to gifts for the tree, Meghan volunteered to work on this.
Playground Gary presented a draft outline of playground layout.
Conversion playground Gary met with the gentlemen and showed him the lot, needed to have it appraised,
Craft Fair: all 40 table spots sold out, will have free admission, sell 50/50 raffle tickets at the door along with raffle tickets for door prize drawings.
Moved Lois, 2nd Ron to adjourn 6:52 pm all in favor
Next meeting Dec. 6, 5:00pm