December 6, 2022

Perfect Fit Community Center Committee Meeting

December 6, 2022


Members Present:  Allen Proctor, Ron Richards, Lois Jones, Darlene Bagley, Meghan Baker, Barbara Peavey, Dennis Carr

Others Present:  Gary Dorman

Meeting called to order by Allen 5:00 pm

Treasure’s Report  $48,640.16 in reserve

Lois reports we are -$4935.12 in town budget allotted. Billed Perfect Fit $4132.53 their share of electric. Moved by Ron, 2nd Allen to accept, all in favor.

Secretary Report:  moved by Darlene, 2nd Lois to accept as written, all in favor.

Floor Quote  $2701.04 this is two clear coats on gym and stage floors, is in budget for next year.

Budget $65,375 proposed for next year

Craft Fair  $1855.  Concessions $391.50 to playground rest to reserve fund

Heat pump for stage  Ask Owen Tracy for quote take out of reserve.  All in favor

Lights in Gym  Efficiency Maine, Gary will work with Gillman Electric for quote and Condon Electric

Christmas Event.  December 11. 2:00 can set up at 12:00  Kevin Broduer story, Jim Emerson Santa, Stratton family elves, girl scouts caroling and rec. department refreshments.

Valley of Trees:  If do another year need to raise funds and solicit gift cards in April/May

Playground  Gary presented a draft outline of playground layout.  Has met with Justin Ryder will try contact National Guard about helping

Moved Lois, 2nd Ron to adjourn 6:21 pm all in favor

Next meeting Jan. 9, 5:00pm