April 11, 2022

Perfect Fit Community Center

Meeting Minutes – April 11,2022


Meeting called to order by Gary 5:00 p.m.

Members Present:  Gary Dorman, Lois Jones, Darlene Bagley, Darryl Henderson, Allen Proctor, Ron Richards, Dennis Carr, Barbara Peavey


Treasurer’s Report:  Moved by Barbara, second by Allen to except the report, all voted in favor.

New Business

Community Wide yard sale:  Moved by Darlene, second by Allen to holdthe Yard Sale the weekend of August 5-7.   Fee will remain at $10.  Storage will need to be looked into.


Craft Fair:  December 3,2022.  This is the same weekend as the Festival of Trees in Newport.  Admission $2.00, Vendors will be asked to provide an item to raffle.  Booth space $10. And Use of Community Center tables $10.

Motion by Barbara second by Allen, all in favor.


Name change:  With the sale of the building Community Center will now be

Perfect Fit Community Center

Facebook and forms will need to be changed

Mission Statement:  New mission statement was read and approved by all

Motion by Allen second by Barb

Playground:  With the sale of building we have 1 year from the date of signing to move the playground. 

Gary will look into the Plummer Foundation Grant and cost of moving the playground.  At this time want to move and repair playground equipment, swings and new basketball court.  Will also need to look into wood shavings as ground cover.


Mike Lebel:  Brown tail moth are visible around the building.  He is having the trees on his side of building treated, they will treat trees on our side for $500. Moved by Gary second by Allen, all in favor


Old Business

Sale of Building:  Sale has been completed.  Doors between sections will be locked.

Electrical services will be separated.  Need parking lot swept when doing town streets, Lois will check.  Need quote to convert lights to LED


Land Conversion:  Several lots have been considered, lot by gazebo and lot by parking lot at Farmers Table.

Lot needs to be comparable in value to land where basketball/tennis courts are presently.

Dog park, obstacle course, walking trail being considered. 


Walkway entrance:  Walkway entrance to gym needs work, dug out and resurfaced. 


Moved by Darlene second Darryl meeting adjourn 6:03 p.m.  All in favor

Next meeting Monday, May 2, 5:00 p.m.