Town Clerk, Registrar of Voters, Payroll Clerk
Corinna - Tax Collector/Motor Vehicle Agent/AP Warrant Clerk
The Town of Corinna is seeking a highly qualified candidate for the position of Tax Collector/Motor Vehicle Agent/AP Warrant Clerk. This position requires a thorough knowledge of municipal accounting practices, as well as state and federal laws, finance and accounting standards. Interested applicants should forward a resume, cover letter, and a list of three professional references. All application must be received by September 21st by 4:30pm. Applications may be submitted in person, email or mail to:
Town of Corinna
Attn: Serena Bemis-Goodall
Tax Collector/Motor Vehicle Agent Position
8 Levi Stewart Drive
Corinna, ME 04928
For more information, please contact Town Manager, Serena Bemis-Goodall at or call 278-4183.
The Town of Corinna is an Equal Opportunity Employer.