August 2, 2018
Meeting Minutes
August 2, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM.
Attending: Roland Dorman, Ken Dow, Jackie Emerson, Colleen Grover, Jim Louder, Galen McKenney, Sylvia Miholovich,
The meeting minutes from July 12, 2018 were approved.
Financial Balances Report
Jim reported the following balances:
Funds reported by the Town Office as of 07/31/2018:
Library Preservation Account (Donations) $68,387.73
Private Library Grants Account (Davis) $6,481.82
Maintenance Endowment payout from MCF $2,871.25
Funds at the Maine Community Foundation
SLB Designated Maintenance Endowment $290,119.16
Levi Stewart Agency Fund $62,734.49
Construction Subcommittee
The installation of the dehumidifier in the Special Collections Room is in progress. Waiting now for the duct work to be completed.
We received a rebate of $960.00 from Efficiency Maine on the lighting installed in the Special Collections Room. It was deposited in the Library Preservation Account.
The repair of the railing is in progress. The temporary section installed during the repair has come loose. The contractor is aware of the issue and will be sure it is taken care of.
Private Library Subcommittee
The World In Your Library speaker program is complete. It was successful. The three sessions were fairly well attended.
The Stewart Private Library Museum has been accepted to do a poster presentation at the Maine Archives and Museum Annual Conference on October 12, at the University of Maine at Farmington.
Sylvia will approach a local print shop to replace the damaged labels in the middle display case.
Ken will contact Technology Solutions, Inc. in Newport for a proposal for a security camera system in the Private Library.
Advisory Committee Formation
The subcommittee has completed a draft of the proposal. The draft will be presented to the stake holder groups for feedback. The Formation Subcommittee will meet to consider the feedback and then present the proposal to the SLBPG for approval before then presenting it to the Select Board.
The group discussed the disposition of the antique furniture from the Private Library. It was determined we should do more research to determine its origin, if possible, before making a decision.
The SLPBG will hold an open house in the building on August 11 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM to coincide with the CUA Alumni Banquet. The intention is to have group members available throughout the building during those hours to lead informal tours and describe the project overall. Ken will send out an email asking for volunteers who will be available for different areas on the building. A poster display of the project and next steps should be available.
Looking forward to developments in the basement, it seems that after the completion of the Special Collections Rooms the renovation of the west side basement exit will be a high priority. Development of public spaces in the basement will be dependent on a code compliant exit.
Scheduled meetings
Private Library Subcommittee - August 7, 10:00 AM
Next meeting of the SLBPG – September 6, 2018 at 6:30 PM
The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM.