October 4, 2018

Meeting Minutes
October 4, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM.

Attending: Gary Dorman, Ken Dow, Jackie Emerson, Colleen Grover, Jamie Irving, Lee Kaufman, Jim Louder, Sylvia Miholovich, Everett Simpson, Carl Smith, Linda Smith

The minutes from September 6, 2018 were approved.

Financial Balances Report
Jim reported the following balances:
 Funds reported by the Town Office as of 10/04/2018:
 Library Preservation Account (Donations) $65,505.83
 Private Library Grants Account (Davis) $6,484.02

 Fund at the Maine Community Foundation
 SLB Designated Maintenance Endowment $289,502.16


Construction Subcommittee
Maintenance Inspection - List of Maintenance Items (document attached)
The Construction Subcommittee conducted a walk-through of the outside and inside of the building on September 19 to identify items needing maintenance attention. The list of those items is attached. (Preliminary List of Maintenance Items) The Construction Subcommittee will meet to categorize the items, as to which can be paid for using the endowed maintenance funds and to place them in a priority order.

Dehumidifier invoice
The invoice from ABM Mechanical for the installation of the dehumidifier in the special collections room totals $5,200, as expected. It has been submitted to the Town Office for payment from the Donations Account.

Network and Security walk-through (document attached)
The Construction Subcommittee met with Ron Potvin of Technology Solutions, Inc. from Newport on September 11 to conduct an assessment of the network expansion and building security system project. Ron will provide a design proposal for the project.

Private Library Subcommittee
Poster display for Maine Archives and Museum Conference on October 12. (display)
Donna, Colleen, Ken will attend the conference.

Report on Open House held on Sep 22
The open house was successful. Gary estimates about 36 people toured the building, including a number of children. Young people who played basketball here brought their children in to see the facility.
Linda noted that it would have been very helpful to have the private library video running so people could have gained some background information on the museum. This underscores the need for the background video and the installation of the tablets. She suggested that a screen out in the hallway running the video would provide visitors with good background information prior to the visit to the museum. This could be added to the design specification with Technology Solutions, Inc.


Complete special collections room floor
On Tuesday, October 9 at 9 AM - Jim, Gary, and Ken will clean the floor.
On Monday, October 15 at 9 AM – Colleen and Linda will paint the floor. Ken will be sure to have the paint needed.
After these steps are completed the cove base will be installed.

Mounting the tablets in the private library museum
The tablets are at DEFT Media. Alex says a decision is needed as to which software to use. He can demonstrate alternatives and set them up later this month. The group discussed and agreed to the mounting locations, one on the pole, the other on the side of the wall panel. Bill has discussed building the mounting brackets with a metal worker who suggests he would build them as a donation.

Identified maintenance items must be put in categories and arrange in priority order, and then presented to the Select Board. On Tuesday Oct 16 at 10 AM the Construction Subcommittee will meet to categorize and prioritize maintenance items.

Advisory Committee Formation proposal – present to Town Office, revise if needed, present to S. B.
The next step is to present the proposal to the Town Office before any final revision. Ken will discuss the proposal with Serena.

Data network and security expansion
Move cable entrance to underground entrance
MOTION made by Gary, seconded by Everett to go ahead with the relocation of the fiber optic entrance cable into the building as specified by the Maine Fiber Company. Estimated cost $5,100.
VOTE: all in favor, the motion passes.

Finalize a proposal for cameras and data network expansion
We await the design proposal from Technology Solutions.

Other Business 

The Parking Lot
Everett suggests the development of the parking lot behind the Stewart Library Building should be thought of in the larger context of the use of nearby town land for festivals and other gatherings and the potential for the Stewart Library Building to be a regional cultural center. With an occupancy limit of 225 in the auditorium there is certainly a need for improved and expanded parking. The current lot lacks markings and lanes to guide efficient and complete use of the space.

Next meeting of the SLBPG – November 1, 2018 at 6:30 PM

The meeting adjourned at 7: 25 PM.