April 5, 2018

Meeting Minutes
April 5, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM.

Attending: Bill Condon, Roland Dorman, Ken Dow, Jackie Emerson, Colleen Grover, Jamie Irving, Jim Louder, Galen McKenney, Carl Smith, Linda Smith

The minutes from March 1, 2018 were approved.

Financial Balances Report
Jim reported the following balances, provided by the Town Office as of 03/30/2018.
 Library Preservation Account (Donations) $149,668.51
 Private Library Grants Account (Davis) $8,635.72
 MCF Designated (Maintenance) Endowment Account $3,320.00

 SLB Endowment Fund at MCF, as of 4/5/2018 $284,889.53

Expenditures from the MCF Designated (Maintenance) Endowment Account:
 Pine State Elevator: Preventive Maintenance service per contract, 3/19/18  $230.00


Basement project update
The work on the construction of the Special Collections room in the basement will be essentially complete this week. The Construction Subcommittee will do a walk-through with NOD next week.

Private Library update
Work in the Private Library will be done next week.

Second floor storm windows
NOD is working on the storm windows. All of them are too big and must be cut to fit. They expect to have the work complete next week.


Maintenance Schedule presented to BOS
The document was presented to the BOS at their March meeting. Jim explain that at the meeting he made it clear that the money from the designated endowment fund can only be spent on building maintenance, specifically only on the items listed in the Maintenance Schedule.

World in Your Library
This grant that Donna secured pays for speakers to do presentations at the library. The first speaker will present on the topic of the Civil War. Another will conduct a session on history told through historical post cards. The third will be chosen later. Scheduling is to be determined.

Parking lot lighting
Bill has mounted a light on the outside back of the building to provide light in the parking lot. It is a great improvement in light out in the parking lot. Currently it is mounted on a second floor window casing. It may be moved to the casing of an attic windows to give a better angle into the area.

Building and library governance board
The group discussed the need and value of forming an advisory committee to address the governance, maintenance, management, and promotion of the Stewart Library Building. We will form a subcommittee to address the formation of a Building Advisory Committee. The first charge of the subcommittee will be to define the mission and delineate the functions of a Building Advisory Committee. The following members will be asked to work on the subcommittee for the Advisory Committee Formation: Colleen, Ken, Sylvia, Gary, Jamie, Donna.

In the meantime the Construction Subcommittee will address developing further detail on implementation of the Endowment/Maintenance Schedule process.

Other Business

Bill has been working with the Maine Fiber Company to plan relocation of the fiber optic entrance into the building. This relocation would move the entrance to the north side of the building, using the underground entrance to come in. This would move us closer to the aesthetic goal of the removal of all utility wires entering the building above ground, with the exception of the phone line. The estimated cost for the relocation is about $5,000. The Construction Subcommittee recommends we hold off on this project until we have a better sense of the costs in the current basement project.

Next meeting – May 3, 2018 at 6:30 PM

Adjourn at 7:50 PM