March 1, 2018


Meeting Minutes

March 1, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M.


Attending: Bill Condon, Jamie Irving, Lee Kaufman, Jim Louder, Sylvia Miholovich, and Jackie Emerson


The Minutes from February 1, 2018 were approved as amended.


Financial Balances Report

Jim reported the following balances, provided by the Town Office as of 3/1/2018.

                Library Preservation Account (Donations)                             $156,219.86

                Private Library Grants Account                                                        $5,212.99

(Note: Jim will check to see if a payment of $3,422.38 to Nickerson and O’Day, which was paid from the Private Library Account, should have been paid from the Preservation Account instead.)


SLB Endowment Fund at MCF as of 3/1/2018                       $288,439.53


The INCOME AND EXPENDITURES SUMMARY from 2014 – 2017 was handed out to those present.




Grants/Fund Raising

It was reported that Donna has submitted the Maine Humanities Grant and has received notice that they have received our grant proposal.


It was reported that the Grant committee is currently gathering information and will continue working on the Alfond Grant , which will allow us to complete Phase 3 work in the basement.



Bill presented an update on the construction work being done in the basement.



Lee brought up the need for better lighting in the Parking Lot area in back of the building…The group agreed that some type of temporary lighting should be looked into that will get us by until the parking area is finished, at which point permanent lighting will be put in place. Bill said he would look at some options and will talk with Ken about it. Hopefully something can be in place in time for the March Theater Presentation.


Next meeting – April 5, 2018 at 6:30 P.M.


Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 P.M. and the group went down to view progress in the basement.