May, 2012



MAY 29, 2012


The Corinna Water District met at the Stewart Library Building and the meeting was called to order at 3:00 pm.  Present were Chairman Jim Louder, Bill Condon, Operator Scott Paradis and Secretary Treasurer Sandee Kerr.

Treasurer reported the checking account balance at Sebasticook Valley Credit Union is $17,314.57 as of May 29, 2011.  The balance will be $12,470.58 when checks listed on the May Warrant are approved.

Jim Louder made a motion to accept the April Minutes.  Bill Condon seconded.  Unanimous approval.





Operator reported that everything is doing fine.  Operator also stated that he plans to flush the hydrants during the week of July 1– July 7 and requested an ad be placed in the Rolling Thunder approximately two weeks before.



Jim Louder updated Bill Condon on April business because he wasn't able to attend the April Meeting.

The annual audit has been completed, an initial copy was received by mail, reviewed by Jim Louder and returned to the audit firm. 

Sandee Kerr updated the board of trustees on the acquisition/purchase of QuickBooks Pro and computer and the progress made to date with the setup of Water District business.  Sandee contacted MRWA for assistance with the initial QuickBooks setup.  A grant was obtained to cover three days of the MRWA’s Counsultant, Sandy Bolotsky.  Sandee reported that all Water District records have been transferred to the new computer and that the District’s financial records are now completely separate from Town records.

Excerpts of further discussion included:

No further information has been received regarding the infrastructure
grant except that the request was received.

Water District revenue is low. 

According to recent news articles it looks like the CWD could possibly be
losing the Corinna Elementary School as a major customer within the
next few years if RSU #19 decides to reorganize the district.
Infrastructure needs to be maintained.  Operator hasn’t heard further about the tank inspection.  He will check with New England Tank Inc to see if they can do and when.


20 accounts paid in full to date

4 owe for 1st Quarter

1 account – makes partial payments, has credit balance

1 account not occupied/no further billing ( Insurance Building )




The May Warrant was reviewed and approved. 


The next meeting will be held on Monday June 25, 2012.


Meeting adjourned at 3:32pm.