July, 2012
JULY 30, 2012
The Corinna Water District met at the Stewart Library Building and the meeting was called to order at
3:00pm. Present were Chairman Jim Louder, Bill Condon, Elaine Lister, Operator-Scott Paradis and
Secretary-Treasurer Sandee Kerr.
Treasurer reported the checking account balance at Sebasticook Valley Credit Union is $16,506.91 as of
July 30, 2012. The balance will be $12,930.56 when checks listed on the July Warrant are approved.
Both May and June minutes were approved unanimously.
Operator reported that there are two problems, communications port/motor controller, with pump 3.
The two hydrants by the river are not functioning properly. This is probably not a matter of concern.
They might need to be tagged as non-functional or fixed. There is a problem with the hydrant by the
Woodard’s. The estimate is $500 to fix. It is planned to do as soon as possible.
- Jim Louder will send written notification to the Selectmen with established expiration dates
of Trustees as per the charter.
- Jim Louder advised that the grant to help pay for mapping the infrastructure was approved
early in June.
- MRWA is currently doing the mapping of our infrastructure.
- Planning for CWD’s Viability in future years was discussed as the future of CWD is a matter
of concern. There is a need to determine how the Water District will survive in the future
and who will come up with the funding. It is not reasonable to put the burden on User
Customers. Sometime around October will be entering into discussions with the state,
water district and stake holders to discuss our financial future.
- The hydrants at the end of the line, one of which is in the woods, were discussed. Neither
would be used, no need to fix. Operator will tag them.
- Notification from the Post Office was received stating that they can no longer meet the overnight
deadlines for delivery of water samples. Clearwater Lab can’t do all the tests. Samples may
need to be taken to Augusta. Operator is willing to do if no alternative, he will look
into a currier service.
- CWD has not fully implemented the well head protection plan. There is now only voluntary
compliance. Should have started implementing in 2006. There are concerns about manure
being spread around wells 1 & 2. It is unclear if there are pesticides used on the corn crops.
Might be a good idea to have Maine Drinking Water Program and Maine Rural Water Association
folks involved and give input on what we need to do.
15 accounts paid in full to date
9 accounts owe for 2nd quarter
1 account – makes partial payments, has credit balance
1 account not occupied/no further billing ( Insurance Building )
The July Warrant was reviewed and approved.
The next meeting will be held on Monday August 27 at 3:00pm.
Meeting adjourned at 4:20pm.