November 20, 202
November 20, 2024
Planning Board Minutes
Attendance: Roger, Carl, Reagan and Darlene Minutes were read. Reagan motioned to accept, Darlene 2nd, Carl abstained, motioned passed. (Carl abstained as no hard copy was available.)
After discussion of the Loki Solar system application given to us, we determined the following:
It was not our responsibility as per pages 1-3 of the LUO Section G’ to hold a public hearing.
Actual date on application was over the 30days (expiration for LUO) Public hearing date is to be set by the town, not the applicant.
The LUO states that the CEO is responsible for contacting all the abutting landowners, as well as advertising the public hearing, not the Planning Board. Cost of these items are to be billed to the applicant. Loki also did not make any conditions as to contacting the DEP, EPA, INF&W or other agencies/permits needed.
Carl made a motion to send the application for solar back to admin to hold a public hearing and the CEO to notify abutting landowners, and a published note for a public hearing to be consistent with the LUO page 5-5 Section 4-A. Darlene 2nd , All in favor.
On another note, the town should notify the solar applicant as to the date of the public hearing. The planning board favors a public hearing before our next meeting on December 10th at the Stewart Library auditorium. Darlene will notify the town manager of what we discussed so that she can notify the applicant of the process that has to be met.
Carl motioned to adjourn at 6:10. Reagan 2nd. All in favor
Darlene Bagley, sec.