June 2024
Perfect Fit Community Center Committee Minutes
June, 2024
Members present: Ron Richards, Gary Dorman, Lois Jones, Dennis Carr
Others present:
Lois called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm
Treasurer’s Report: Reserve Fund $42,194.55 Playground $90,585.60 Expenses remaining $36,530.89 moved by Gary, 2nd by Dennis to accept, all in favor
Secretary’s Report: Moved by Gary. 2nd Lois to accept February minutes, all in favor
Banner renewals: letters were mailed out to businesses June 7, 2024
Town sign placement: moved by Gary, 2nd Dennis to place two sides of the old town sign on the PFCC sign by road, all in favor
8 foot tables: table for now, Dennis has purchased 10 used 6 foot tables from Corinna Methodist Church for $250.
Custodian: agreed to advertise for position as general maintenance and cleaning, snow shovel etc. average 15 hours per week
Toddler swings Moved by Gary, 2nd by Lois to have 2 toddler swings and 4 regular swings on swing set, all in favor
Exercise Room: open now, fee $25/ month $250/year. Town employees part of the Wellness program will be free but must pay the card fee, moved by Gary, 2nd Ron, all in favor.
Everyone sign a release form, no one under 18, 14-17-year-old may join but must be with an adult. No guests card holder only. Open 24/7 except week of Valley of Trees and any other special event that may come up.
Hall lights will be left on
Pickel Ball: second set has been ordered, when floor done this summer will paint 3 courts
Paving parking lot, Roundy’s will be doing once playground groundwork completed
Cameras three have been installed plus two dummies
Craft Fair Date November 9
Community Yard Sale August 2,3,4 Gary will try sell some large items on marketplace
Outdoor Rec Space: Lois still working on possible grants and approval
Dennis Carr Next Meeting July 8, 2024 5:00 pm