July 2024

Perfect Fit Community Center Committee Minutes

July 8, 2024

Members present:  Ron Richards, Gary Dorman, Lois Jones, Dennis Carr

Others present:  Mike Lebel

Lois called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm

Treasurer’s Report:  Reserve Fund  $44,349.55  Playground  $90,973.300 Expenses remaining $34,558.83 moved by Gary, 2nd by Dennis to accept, all in favor

Secretary’s Report:  Moved by Gary. 2nd Lois to accept June minutes, all in favor

After school programming;  Mike presented information on gentleman interested in using gym for afterschool programs and AAU basketball,  decided to table until we can have a meeting with the person, Phil White to discuss further

Corinna Days concessions and volunteers  will do concessions, Dennis will provide grill.  Volunteers needed to bake goods for bake sale.

Concessions to continue going towards playground area, basketball court

Exercise Room:   fee $25/ month $250/year. Family fee parents pat full fee and children living in house half price. Move by Gary 2nd by Ron, all in favor.

Everyone sign a release form, No one under 18, 14-17 year old may join but must be with an adult.  No guests card holder only.  Open 24/7 except week of Valley of Trees and any other special event that may come up.

Corinna Days, August 17,  playground dedication

.Craft Fair  Date November 9


Dennis Carr                                       Next Meeting August 12, 2024  5:00 pm