Expectation of Coaches
1. Coaches and assistants must be approved by CRD and by the Board of Selectmen. This includes any coaching changes. The proper form requested by the Selectmen must be filled out and turned into the Town Office, by a CRD member to get Selectmen approval.
2. Questions or concerns should be addressed to a CRD member, not to the Town Office.
3. Coaches and assistants should show respect and self-discipline, especially to officials, and be a role model to their team.
4. Rules and fundamentals of the sport are to be taught.
5. We recommend inviting parents to the first practice to get to know you and know what you expect.
6. Coaches should be on time for practice and end practice on time.
7. Team members are to wear full uniform. Any team member, who fails to do so, will not be allowed to play in the game.
8. For liability reasons, coaches are not to provide transportation for any children other than their own.
Signature: _________________________________Date:_______________