February 2019


To: Board of Selectmen

From:  Serena Bemis-Goodall, Town Manager

Date:  February, 2019

Re:  Town Manager’s Monthly Report


*The last meeting of the Selectmen and Budget Committee left me with putting the rest of the articles together. I was a bit confused with the wording of the last article as I thought it was $25,000 into the Fire Department and the other $25,000 into the Public Work Department. I was corrected as what the Board and Committee wanted was $50,000 put into the existing Public Works Equipment Account. I have now fixed that one and we will hopefully have this piece done!


*All I have honestly been doing is working on the Town Report, people do not realize all it takes is one little change to have to have to redo all of the page numbers then you have to redo the Table of Contents….and so it goes. J


*Received an email from Tony Vigue (former CTAM President) Community Television Association of Maine Legislative Policy Task Force. In Augusta, the Maine Municipal Association’s Legislative Policy Committee voted to support LR130, “An Act To Ensure Non-Discriminatory Treatment of Public, Educational and Governmental Access Channels by the Cable Operator.” The largest benefit to this bill will be that it requires cable operators to install down to 15 homes per mile upon franchise renewal (which we have not renewed yet) and there are currently over 80 towns in Maine that are affected. “Since broadband signals are carried on the same fiber, we estimate an additional 5,000 rural homes will benefit from this legislation if passed,” this is huge for Corinna.


*It was voted on to let me sign as the fiscal agent for the Betterment Grant Application. The Grant Committee is finishing up the last few pieces and hopefully it will be able to go in before the actual date. Donna Lambert, who is putting this all together, believes that if we submit it early that the application committee may let us know if there is something else that is needed or something within the grant that needs to be updated.


*Weird storms that we are having this year….so the Selectman’s Meeting needs to be tomorrow night instead, still should be able to get things done for the Town Report etc.


*I emailed Liana Kingsbury, Grants Manager from the Maine Community Foundation regarding the vote by the Selectmen to rollover the Town’s Agency Fund. I also sent her the minutes which is what she needs to be able to do this.


*Well Donna Lambert Did IT!!!! The Betterment Grant is in! We will see if they get back to us on additional wants or needs.


*We have had several people calling the office asking about others who may, or may not, have come in to get Building Permits. All I can say is call and speak to our Code Enforcement Officer Al Tempesta. I do not always have that information and Al is the one who anyone should speak to regarding any permits. Al works here in the office on Fridays from 8 to noon but everyone can call his cell and he will get back in touch with you.


*OK! Final Meeting to ok the Articles! Now I can update the Town Report and get this put to bed!


*Gave Dexter Print All the Material that they need to do the Town Report….now GO!


*Heard back from Michele at Dexter Print – she has a proof for me! Sweet!


*Trying to get caught up on filing, mgr reports etc., people don’t realize how much time is spent on getting the Town Meetings put together and getting all of the material that needs to go into them.


*Love being on the Legislative Policy Committee! The interaction with other managers is great but to be able to talk with them about issues or the “what-ifs” is priceless. The LDs that we are discussing and presenting to the legislature this year has been interesting to say the least. I am sad that I will miss next month’s LPC gathering but am looking forward to Aprils meeting.